Detect coliforms/E. coli with the convenience of a long-read window
Simultaneously detects both total coliforms and Escherichia coli; positive results have a distinct magenta colour. Results valid through 48 hours.
- Distinct magenta colour means there's no mistaking a positive result.
- The Colisure Test also suppresses high levels of noncoliforms, including Aeromonas.
- Distinct magenta colour is easy to see.
- Ease of use simplifies training.
- Unit-dosed packaging eliminates media preparation.
- Quality Control (QC) procedure can be done in 15 minutes.
- Less than 1 minute of hands-on time.
- Detects coliforms and E. coli simultaneously in 24 hours or less.
- No confirmations needed.
- No glassware cleaning or colony counting.
- Definitive results at 24 hours; can be read up to 48 hours.
- Identifies E. coli specifically, eliminating unneeded public notification due to non-target organisms.
- Suppresses up to 2 million heterotrophs per 100 mL.
- Eliminates the subjective interpretation found in traditional methods.
- Detects a single viable coliform or E. coli per sample.
- Minimises evening and weekend work.
- Up to 12-month shelf life at room temperature.
- The Colisure Test can be used for presence/absence (P/A) or quantification testing.
- Quanti-Tray provides counts to 200/100 mL without dilutions.
- Quanti-Tray/2000 provides counts to 2,419/100 mL without dilutions.
How the Colisure Test works
The Colisure Test uses proprietary Defined Substrate Technology (DST) nutrient indicators CPRG and MUG to detect total coliforms and E. coli. Coliforms use the β-galactosidase enzyme to metabolise CPRG and change it from yellow to magenta. E. coli use β-glucuronidase to metabolise MUG and create fluorescence.
How to use
Learn how to use the Colisure Test
Step 1
Add reagent to sample and incubate at 35 ± 0.5°C for 24 hours.
Step 2
Read results:
- Yellow = negative
- Magenta = total coliforms
- Magenta/fluorescent = E. coli
Step 1
Add reagent to sample.
Step 2
Pour into Quanti-Tray
(counts from 1–200) or Quanti-Tray/2000
(counts from 1–2,419).
Step 3
Seal in Quanti-Tray Sealer
and place in incubator at 35 ± 0.5°C for 24 hours.
Step 4: Quanti-Tray
Quanti-Tray—Read results:
- Magenta wells = total coliforms
- Magenta/fluorescent wells = E. coli
- Count positive wells and refer to MPN table
Step 4: Quanti-Tray/2000
Quanti-Tray/2000—Read results:
- Magenta wells = total coliforms
- Magenta/fluorescent wells = E. coli
- Count positive wells and refer to MPN table
Frequently asked questions
The Colisure Test detects coliforms and E. coli at 1 organism/100 mL.
The shelf life for the Colisure Test is up to 12 months from date of manufacture.
Store at 2–25°C and away from light.
There is no comparator for the Colisure Test. For comparison, use a negative control when interpreting results.
The reagent system was designed to suppress non-coliform CPRG or MUG positive bacteria for at least 48 hours. If incubation extends past 48 hours, it is possible that such bacteria could overcome the reagent and react with CPRG or MUG. When incubation exceeds 48 hours, only negative results are valid. Positive results must be confirmed.
Check with your local authority for proper disposal of bacteriological biohazard materials at your facility.
If an inoculated Colisure Test sample is inadvertently incubated over 48 hours, lack of red to magenta colour is a valid negative test; a red to magenta color after 48 hours is not valid and should be repeated.
An inoculated Colisure Test sample that is positive for coliforms and E. coli before 24 hours is a valid positive test for both coliforms and E. coli. If the sample is positive before 24 hours for coliforms only, the sample is a valid positive test for total coliforms. However, the sample should be incubated for a longer period (at least 24 hours, but not greater than 48 hours total time) to determine whether E. coli are present.
Yes, when using the Colisure Test with Quanti-Tray, Quanti-Tray/2000 or any multiple-tube format, be sure to use IDEXX Antifoam Solution or a vessel with antifoam.
The Colisure reagent powder should be tan in color; it should be dry and free-flowing. Any concerns about the colour or integrity of the powder should be directed to IDEXX Technical Support.
Resources & Tools
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Product Information
Colisure Test (20-test pack)
Product Number: 98-13159-00
Catalogue Number: WCLS20I
Colisure Test (100-test pack)
Product Number: 98-27709-00
Catalogue Number: WCLS100I
Colisure Test (200-test pack)
Product Number: 98-13174-00
Catalogue Number: WCLS200I
IDEXX-QC Coliform and E. coli Kit
Product Number: 98-29000-01
Catalogue Number: WQC-TCEC
IDEXX-QC Faecal Coliform Kit
Product Number: 98-29001-01
Catalogue Number: WQC-FC
IDEXX-QC E. coli Kit
Product Number: 98-29007-01
Catalogue Number: WQC-EC
Snap pack and Quanti-Tray combination packs are also available.
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IDEXX Laboratories Pty Ltd.
Unit 6, 38-46
South Street
Rydalmere, NSW 2116
Phone (AUS): 1300 44 33 99
Phone (NZ): 0800 838 522
Fax (AU): 1800 634 409
Fax: (NZ): 0800 448 443
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